
PyAlgDat is a self-contained Python library containing various data structures and algorithms. Most of the data structures and algorithms presented in the library are by no means original, but are to a large extend part of the Computer Science curriculum taught in most universities. The package is available at the Python Package Index PyPi together with additional information about installation and usage.

PyPi Download:

The latest version of PyAlgDat is available here


The latest version of PyAlgDat can be downloaded here PyAlgDat-1.0.1.tar.gz

Rotating solid objects in 3D

I have written a Mathematica notebook about rotations of solid objects in three dimensions. The notebook starts by deriving the mathematics needed when working with rotations in two -and three dimensions. After having established the mathematical framework needed to describe rotations, the formulas are implementated in Mathematica, where various rotations are applied to the five Platonic solids:

My hope is that showing howto apply the mathematics involving rotations in Mathematica can help when implementing rotations in more traditional 3D libraries.


A PDF-file containing the exported notebook can be downloaded here rotating_platonic_solids.pdf